How To Order:
Login to your account by clicking on ACCOUNT, If you are not registered yet Create New Account or you still can purchase from us as a guest but its always better to register specially if you wish to buy from us again all your shipping information will be ready for you and you don't have to enter it again, except sensitive information like credit or debit card will be processed on PayPal website only also you don't need to have an account with them to checkout just do it as guest, to start browsing our store go to store home page and click on any products photo you like to view assortments.
VENDORS: If you are a vendor or reseller wants to buy wholesale please us Contact Form or call us between 9:00 am - 4:30 pm Mon-Fri US eastern time, Tel: 863-420-6762
J S Copti, Inc.
Davenport, Florida (USA)